Here is the Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 917 3821 1238, Passcode: 674466). You will need to be registered via this link.
Friday, February 5
Welcoming Remarks
10:00-10:15 | Dean John Gittleman, Jeffrey Beauvais, Nate Tomczyk |
Session I (Moderator: Rebecca Atkins)
10:15-10:30 | Claire Teitelbaum | Urbanization and habitat specialization interact to drive infection outcomes for mobile wildlife |
10:30-10:45 | Laura Naslund | The effects of ecosystem modification and network position on contaminant fluxes from a mountaintop mining-impacted river network |
10:45-11:00 | Amy A. Briggs | Local vs. site-level effects of algae on coral microbial communities |
11:00-11:15 | William White | Dams and fried green tomatoes: Natural history and sense of place in conservation decisions |
11:15 – 11:30 Break
Session II (Moderator: Rebecca Atkins)
11:30-11:45 | Kelsey J. Solomon | Small decreases in total canopy cover can significantly affect algal communities in southern Appalachian headwater streams |
11:45-12:00 | Robert L. Richards | The macro-ecology of predator-prey-parasite interactions |
12:00-12:15 | Kyle Connelly | Getting pumped: Spatial, temporal, and economic drivers of septic tank maintenance intervals in Athens-Clarke County, Georgia |
12:15–2:00 | Lunch | Graduate student lunch with Dr. Ethell Vereen |
Rapid Fire Session I (Moderator: TJ Odom)
2:00-2:35 | Daniel C. Suh | Patterns in host abundance, species richness, and species evenness reveal amphibian communities highly susceptible to Ranavirus |
| Christopher R. Smaga | Effects of precocious estrogen on alligator ovarian development |
| Carolyn Cummins | Where will carbon go when it enters warmer streams? A test of temperature effects on shredder physiology |
| Ashley Ballew | Monarch butterflies: Diet and infection |
| Q&A | |
2:35 – 3:00 Break
Session III (Moderator: TJ Odom) |
3:00-3:15 | Doreen Chaussadas | Impacts of bio-loggers’ weight on their carrier: is 5% of the body mass an acceptable charge to put on a birds’ back? |
3:15-3:30 | Kristen J. Zemaitis | Ecotoxicology and diet of the American alligator as a function of ontogenetic shift and prey selection |
3:30-3:45 | Anna R. Willoughby | Tourist-provided resources impact park wildlife and their parasite communities |
3:45 – 4:00 Break
Poster Session
4:00 – 5:30 Virtual Poster Session (Zoom link)
Breakout Room 1:
Corinna Hazelrig – Batrachochytriunm dendrobatidis prevalence throughout amphibian species and life stages of varying skin keratin richness
Christopher Brandon – Walking while parasitized: Effects of a nematode parasite on locomotion activity of horned passalus beetles
Breakout Room 2:
Caroline Aikins – Inferring diet of ringtails (Bassariscus astutus) from latrines in human-impacted park habitats
Mikey Fager – Tipping streams: Does increased temperature change the balance of carbon and nutrients in food resources?
Amelia Foley – Plastic in the urban environment: An exploratory study of microplastics in the Athens, GA community
Breakout Room 3:
Will Ellis – How parasites influence ecosystems: Studying the varied effects of a trematode parasite on its environment
Jessica Mitchell – Assessing the response of aquatic detritivore insects to experimental warming
Niki Gajjar – Morphological root traits and phylogenetic signals in Southern Africa trees and grasses
Saturday, February 6
Session IV (Moderator: Carolyn Cummins)
10:00-10:15 | Laura V. Kojima | Assessing the consumption risk of American alligators on the Savannah River Site |
10:15-10:30 | Jeffrey Beauvais | Demographic drivers of coastal water access in South Carolina |
10:30-10:45 | Kate Sabey | Antibiotic treatment alters gut microbiota plasticity in a wild mammal |
10:45 – 11:00 Break
Rapid Fire Session II (Moderator: Carolyn Cummins)
11:00-11:40 | Emily M. Bertucci | Intrinsic and extrinsic factors interact during development to influence telomere dynamics in a long-lived apex predator |
| Anna Y. Baynes | Fish habitat preference with changes in flow pattern in the Conasauga River, GA |
| Cece Working | Host and environment predict nematode development across temperatures |
| Corinne M Sweeney | Radiocesium transfer between aquatic and terrestrial environments |
| Q & A | |
11:40 – 12:00 Break
Keynote Address
12:00-12:10 | Dr. Erin Lipp | Introduction |
12:10-1:10 | Dr. Ethell Vereen Jr. | Life in Flowing Water |